Tuesday, July 13, 2021

July updates

My goal is to have released my book on July 28th but that isn't garunteed. I think I have everything in place and am just waiting on a few details to settle. In the meantime, I have gone back to writing book two. I just reread what I have already written, and it's fantastic. 

I have also started writing a web novel. It is a portal fantasy survival story about a girl who gets cast onto a barren floating island in the middle of a tempest. It is a little on the darker side from what I have written so far. 

I have reasons for working on two projects at once. Maybe someday I'll go into them, but not right now. The important thing is that I am doing them both. They are both fantastic and you should read them. 

Anyway, spread the word. Buy my books, consume, enjoy!

I'm not dead yet

 My writing has suffered mearly a flesh wound.  For someone with my tenacity, it's unlikely I'll ever give something completely up. ...