Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Never Give Up!

I have been researching and trying to figure this marketing thing out. It has been fun. I have also been writing a lot. In the past week, I have produced around 15,000 words between short stories and Soulbound War. 

Recently I have seen several individuals talk about giving up at one thing or another. Most felt overwhelmed at the complexity or difficulty of a task. Someone asked me if I was going to give up when I mentioned how hard learning all of this had been.

These next words are for anyone thinking about giving up:

Successful people have one thing in common. They never give up, they don’t even consider it as an option. They start a task and it must be finished. 

In my life, I have been accomplishing the impossible for years. The thing that changed it all for me was taking part in an activity for Junior Leadership Training.  The instructor tasked us with constructing a catapult, capable of launching an object fifty feet, with long lashing poles, rope and paper plates. Initial reactions ranged from disbelief to anger. The group of three I was with set out to accomplish our task.

We pull together and actually did it. Using only our hands, we raised a structure that towered over us and was just barely capable of completing the task. 

To me this was the equivalent of building the pyramids of Egypt. If at 14 years old I could build that, I knew as an adult I would be able to accomplish anything. 

There are ways that I break down complex and difficult tasks to keep it from becoming overwhelming. That isn’t what's important. Never giving up. If I truly want something, I will get it and you can too.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Soulbound Alliance Free for the Weekend

This weekend August 14th-16th Soulbound Alliance will be free. Please share this and tell your friends. 

I really want to get this book out there. The feedback that I have gotten has been very positive. It's hard to look at your own work with anything but a critical eye after reading through and editing the manuscript multiple times I feel like I just need space.

 Much like when I am wood working all the flaws that I find stand out to me and it distracts from the overall beauty of the project. Once I give the furniture or decoration time and distance it slowly starts to look beautiful to me. Others who didn't spend time and effort creating the art are much less likely to notice the flaws and appreciate it for what it is. I feel that writing this manuscript has been similar.

Sadly Amazon wiped out all of the reviews that I received. That's okay, I read them all watching it like an obsessed child before they were wiped out by the amazon bot. If you're an author, don't friend anyone that reads your book. Have a page for them to like or a group they can join least the Amazon bot find you. 

I'll share what a few of them said here. 

"⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐- It was a fun little story"

"⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐-I'm not usually interested in fantasy, but this book is action packed and has enough humor and drama to keep anyone spellbound. It's an easy read and very entertaining for readers of all ages"

Full disclosure the last one was from a family member who only read the book because I was the author. I learned later that they stayed up late to finish because they "Needed to know what happened next." 

I saw some other positive feedback but I wont bore you with the details. Needless to say it has been good for my self esteem. 

If you do read the book and for some reason amazon wont allow your review, feel free to review it on Goodreads. Every little bit helps.  

I'm not dead yet

 My writing has suffered mearly a flesh wound.  For someone with my tenacity, it's unlikely I'll ever give something completely up. ...