Friday, September 18, 2020

See The Wonder

Things have been busy for me. I am finishing a new home and trying to get ready to move. Unfortunately, I could not write as much as I wanted to this last month. Stories and ideas have been thrashing against the sides of my head, begging for me to release them. Subsequently, I wrote about 4000 words in the past two days, in between catching up with emails and trainings for my job. 

What I have been working on is a little different of a story. Revisions for my first book, Soulbound war and an urban fantasy surprise idea that has been urging me to bring it to life. 

The world is an enchanted place full of wonder. Let me explain. Speeding home from work, I came across a small lake that was so still it had a mirror finish. Trees sitting on the side appeared to be rising from the center of the reservoir and descend into the depth of a magical realm. I am still regretting not pulling over and taking a photo. 

Or another day I was driving along the side of a sunflower field. It was evening time. All the heads of the flowers turned down, the petals droopy. They appeared to be an audience of sad blossoms, having heard the terrible news about so many of their friends burning in the forests.

The point is, there is magic in imagination and wonder spread through the world. Sometimes in life a new perspective can turn the boring task of brick laying into the urgent need to build a wall to keep out invaders.  

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