My writing has suffered mearly a flesh wound.
For someone with my tenacity, it's unlikely I'll ever give something completely up. That being said, in the last year, all I have managed is 45k words. and most of it was at the beginning of the year. My excuse?
As my employer, I'm not sure it's legal for you to ask, but if you must know, I started going back to school to learn how to program. Got sick with the Vid (that's what the kids are calling Covid). and started being a full-time landscaper on my property.
Yes, yes, conflict of interest and all that. But until I get a raise here, that's just the way it is.
I'm going to conduct an experiment in the next few months with Soulbound. I'm going to take it off of kindle unlimited and publish on all the other platforms hoping to understand the current self publishing market.
Until next time.