Tuesday, July 28, 2020

My confession

I have a confession, I jumped the gun a bit. I wasn't quite as close as I thought I was to publishing. I began to read the story out loud to my kids and found some flow issues. After discussing it with one of my best critics I elected to send it off to an editor for some help/guidance. 

That's where we are currently. Waiting to hear back from the editor. After I get the book back I will need to read it and check it's flow at least one more time before I am ready. Despite being excited to share with you, I also want to bring you a quality product that is fun to read.  

Some good news
I have heard back from one of my beta readers, As far as the plot line and story goes, I got a one thumb up from my oldest son. Despite the slightly apathetic response, Once I made it available to him, he didn't put it down and had a wide range of visual emotion. Already he is asking about the next book. I take that as a good sign.  

As far as the next book goes. Currently I am ten thousand words into Soulbound War. Using what I learned from Soulbound Alliance. I feel it has allowed me to make an even better story this time. I have reread what I have done each day before I start writing, and find myself frustrated there isn't more already on paper. Even though I have an idea about whats going to happen next, I still want to sit back, relax and read the story.  

I am hoping to have a better idea on timelines by the middle of August. Things in my personal life should become a little less crazy and i'll know more about what I actually have left to do. 

Writing while working a full time job feels slow going. Since I have started chasing my dreams down and developing what my goals are, I think it might be cool to be an author full time. While I am not ready to quit my day job yet, its something to work towards. In the mean time, let me know if you have any questions.

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